EBketone Test Strips
Test strips for taking measurements of ketone bodies in blood. This test strips are specific for exclusive use with the eBketone Blood Ketone Analyzer (analyzer link).

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Test strips for taking measurements of ketone bodies in blood. This test strips are specific for exclusive use with the eBketone Blood Ketone Analyzer (analyzer link).
Each airtight container includes 10 test strips. Once the container has been opened, it is essential to use the test strips within 3 months.
To avoid contamination of the strips, the canister must be closed as long as possible; therefore, the airtight container should only be opened when a strip is removed, and must be closed again immediately.
Each package includes a chip with an activation code which must be used when opening a new container of strips or when changing codes.
The test strips are available in two presentations:
- 1 container of 10 units
- 5 containers of 10 units each